When individuals are approaching the end of life, it is crucial that support for them and their loved ones is available. Rabbi Zoe’s special gift is her commitment to doing her utmost to offer families loving support and practical guidance during these difficult times. She is ready, when possible, to visit, offer prayers, and advise people about available resources. If you or a loved one have questions, or want to speak about end of life matters, please feel free to call Rabbi Zoe B Zak on her cell phone: (845) 853-5134
“With endless gratitude, I was led by unknown forces after the deaths of my two children to discover this kind, unpretentious synagogue of Temple Israel of Catskill and the rabbi of my dreams, Rabbi Zoe. Here I found a caring, warm-hearted congregation, countless opportunities to give of myself and a beautiful, loving, treasure of a rabbi who, through her deeply spiritual music and teachings, guides us to the true meanings and lessons of Judaism.”
—Hildi B Kaufmann